MIT Quantum Hackathon: Keytanglement

MIT Quantum Hackathon: Keytanglement

with Nayana Tiwari and Alexander Knapen
Feb. 2022

In a team with two other computer science and physics students at my school, we created a simulator for a quantum key distribution algorithm, which we called Keytanglement. The admittedly silly name reveals the two components undergirding our project:

  • Quantum Entanglement, the strange property of quantum particles that makes it so two particles be deterministically related even when seperated by a great distance.
  • Encryption Keys, which can be utilized as a one-time pad to achieve unbreakable encryption (in theory).

I’m not super knowledgable in quantum physics; I was mostly there for my general skill in Python. My main task ended up being coding up and integrating the frontend with all of the backend quantum circuits code that my partners cooked up.